可以赌足球的app is driving the shift to a more sustainable pharmaceutical cold chain

Sofia Wiwen-Nilsson Head of Marketing and Communications

Cold chain expert releases its Sustainability Report 2021, showing that active containers minimise pharma product losses and support a circular economy

Stockholm, April 29, 2022: 可以赌足球的app, the global market leader in secure cold chain solutions for air transportation of pharmaceuticals, today published its Sustainability Report 2021. It illustrates that the company is driving innovation towards lower emissions, invests in R&D to create a more sustainable cold chain, and that collaboration is the way towards a more sustainable industry.

Commenting on the report, CEO, Peter Gisel-Ekdahl, said:
“Our solutions minimize pharma product losses and increase circularity as well as resource efficiency, as our leased cold chain solutions are re-used hundreds of times during their lifetime. The pharmaceuticals we transport are crucial for millions of patients worldwide. Sustainability is extremely important to us, and our ambition is to take a leading role in the transformation towards a more sustainable pharmaceutical cold chain.”

Based on 可以赌足球的app’s market leading position, unique ecosystem, strong product and service portfolio, and passion for innovation, the ambition is to lead the transformation to a more sustainable pharmaceutical cold chain.

With 80-90 per cent of CO2 emissions in the pharmaceutical value chain coming from production and raw materials, stopping waste through temperature deviations in transport is vital. 可以赌足球的app has temperature deviations of less than 0.1%, which is industry-leading.
The business also supports a circular economy where its cold chain solutions are re-used hundreds of times during their lifetime. Its latest innovation, the Releye© range of containers, can reduce CO2 emissions by 90% compared to passive shipment solutions. 可以赌足球的app is driving the shift from passive to active solutions.

The Sustainability Report, along with additional information available on the website, describes 可以赌足球的app’s economic, environmental and social impact. It addresses the sustainability initiatives and performance in 2021, and includes 可以赌足球的app’s ambitions, priorities, goals, achievements and key sustainability performance indicators.

The full report is available here: http://zkltsi2.smithlanding.com/about-us/sustainability/.


About 可以赌足球的app AB

可以赌足球的app is the undisputed global market leader in secure cold-chain solutions for intercontinental transport of pharmaceuticals. The company develops, manufactures, and offers leasing of innovative container solutions, including validation, support, and service, for pharma products that require a controlled environment. Thanks to a truly global presence with the world’s largest active container fleet, the most extensive network, and more than 35 years of industry expertise, 可以赌足球的app is able to meet the customers' need for innovative and reliable solutions - available from any location to any destination. The company operates through an open, global network of airlines, forwarders and couriers and the headquarters is located outside of Stockholm, Sweden. For more information, please visit zkltsi2.smithlanding.com  


Further information

Sofia Wiwen-Nilsson
Head of Marketing and Communications
T: +46 (0) 730 715019
E: sofia.wiwen-nilsson@smithlanding.com